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Presented by
Oakland County WRC,
Lawrence Technological university
& Pure Oakland Water

Innovative Partnerships in Green Infrastructure
Presentation by Jodee Fishman Raines

Hydrologic Design of Vegetated Roots
Presentation by Donald D. Carpenter, PhD, PE, LEED AP

Infrastructure Funding for the 21st Century
Presentation by Greg Kacvinsky

Integrating Green Infrastructure into Water Quality Solutions: New York City and beyond
Presentation by Julie Stein

Implementing DWSD’s Green Infrastructure Program
Presentation by Carol Hufnagel

Building Resilience to Climate Change through Stormwater Management
Presentation by Rebecca Esselman

Historical and Projected Future Climatic Trends in SE Michigan
Presentation by Jeffrey Andreson

The Connection Between Economic Development and Green Infrastructure
Presentation by Amy Mangus

GI Planning and Maintenance: Ann Arbor case studies
Presentation by Brad Shepler, P.E. and Chuck Hart, P.E.

Getting Bacteria Out of the Bay: a GI infrastructure approach to reducing beach closures
Presentation by Troy Naperala

Bioretention Planting Design for Public Acceptance
Presentation by Amy Murdick

A Changing Climate: The City of Mississauga’s response
Presentation by Helen Noehammer

Founding the Great Lakes Stormwater Collaborative
Presentation by Victoria Pebbles

Royal Oak’s implementation of green stormwater infrastructure
Presentation by Michael Fournier and Holly Donoghue, P.E.

Determining strategies for removing barriers to green infrastructure implementation
Presentation by Donald D. Carpenter, PhD., PE, LEED AP

Getting through GI barriers without crashing the car
Presentation by Juli Beth Hinds, AICP

GI Champions: advancing green stormwater solutions across the Great Lakes basin
Presentation by Victoria Pebbles

Designing Green Infrastructure for Climate Resiliency
Presentation by Michael J. Cook, P.E.

Financing Climate-Resilient Stormwater Infrastructure
Presentation by Sanjiv Sinha View presentation HERE

Coastal Resiliency – Considering the effects of water level rise and climate change on SW design
Presentation by Donald D. Carpenter, PhD, PE, LEED AP View presentation HERE
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